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Euroleague 2024 in the books

  • Intro image rights: CEV
  • Full image rights: Yasser Albasty
  • Photo Gallery:
    • Gallery URL:, Gallery description: CEV Silver League W: LUX - GEO
    • Gallery URL:, Gallery description: CEV Silver League W: LUX - ISL
An hire leschte Matcher an der European Silver a Golden League konnten eis Nationalekippe nach emol weisen datt si verdingt an dëse Kompetitiounen stinn. Fir eis Männer war et déi éischte Victoire iwwerhaapt an der Golden League. Et war e laangen...

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CEV Euroleague 2024 - Round 2

  • Intro image rights: CEV
  • Full image rights: CEV
En schwéieren awer léierräiche 1ten Euroleague Weekend läit hannert de roude Léiwen. Elo steet den Tournoi an der Coque am Fokus.  Dammen ouni Chance a Finland Zu Tampere hu sech d' FLVB Dammen missen 2 mol kloer mat 0-3 géint Finland a Portugal...

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CEV Euroleague 2024 is coming to Luxembourg

For the 3rd time the Red Lion Ladies compete in the CEV Europen Silver League. Amongst the 10 possible opponents are also well known rivals of Faroe Islands and Iceland. There will be 3 Tournaments to be played: Finland : 17th-19th May Luxembourg...

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