[NLH] VC Lorentzweiler 1 - Volley Bartreng 1 (3:2)
55% Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweilerpoints: 17
attacks: 3154% Jaromir Kolacny (2)
Volley Bartrengpoints: 21
attacks: 3939% Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweilerpoints: 9
attacks: 2335% Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweilerpoints: 8
attacks: 2334% Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartrengpoints: 12
attacks: 3531% Colin Hilbert (9)
VC Lorentzweilerpoints: 5
attacks: 1630% Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartrengpoints: 6
attacks: 20NOTE
Only players with a minimum of 13 attacks are listed.TOP ATTACKER BY SCORE
21 / 39 Jaromir Kolacny (2)
Volley Bartreng17 / 31 Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweiler12 / 35 Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartreng9 / 23 Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweiler8 / 23 Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweiler6 / 20 Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartreng5 / 9 David Mexson (6)
VC Lorentzweiler5 / 16 Colin Hilbert (9)
VC Lorentzweiler4 / 6 Luca Distefano (4)
Volley Bartreng4 / 6 Raphael Viens (27)
Volley Bartreng2 / 4 Adri Arapi (2)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 6 Tom Engeldinger (7)
VC Lorentzweiler1 / 1 Michail Constantinou (20)
Volley BartrengNOTE
Points / Total number of attacks.
jump to reception -
50% Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweilerpositive: 11
receptions: 2250% Radoslaw Rzymianski (11)
VC Lorentzweilerpositive: 15
receptions: 3038% Jared Schubert (1)
Volley Bartrengpositive: 8
receptions: 2137% Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartrengpositive: 10
receptions: 2735% Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartrengpositive: 9
receptions: 26NOTE
Only players with a minimum of 15 receptions and minimum 1 positive rated reception is listed.TOP RECEIVER
15 / 30 Radoslaw Rzymianski (11)
VC Lorentzweiler11 / 22 Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweiler10 / 27 Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartreng9 / 26 Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartreng8 / 21 Jared Schubert (1)
Volley Bartreng6 / 12 Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweiler3 / 7 Colin Hilbert (9)
VC Lorentzweiler1 / 2 Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweiler1 / 3 Luca Distefano (4)
Volley BartrengNOTE
Positive receptions / Total number of receptions.
jump to serve -
6 / 26 Adri Arapi (2)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 12 Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 16 Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 16 Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartreng2 / 18 Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartreng1 / 10 Luca Distefano (4)
Volley Bartreng1 / 15 Vojtech Vasicek (8)
Volley Bartreng1 / 20 Jaromir Kolacny (2)
Volley BartrengNOTE
Ace's / Total number of serves.
jump to block -
5 / 15 Luca Distefano (4)
Volley Bartreng4 / 9 Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweiler3 / 8 David Mexson (6)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 4 Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweiler2 / 15 Raphael Viens (27)
Volley Bartreng1 / 3 Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweiler1 / 3 Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartreng1 / 3 Jaromir Kolacny (2)
Volley Bartreng1 / 4 Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley BartrengNOTE
Kills / Total number of blocks.
jump to points -
23 pts Jaromir Kolacny (2)
Volley Bartreng20 pts Nelson Loyola Lavin (5)
VC Lorentzweiler15 pts Steve Weber (9)
Volley Bartreng15 pts Chris Zuidberg (14)
VC Lorentzweiler10 pts Tomas Pavelka (8)
VC Lorentzweiler10 pts Luca Distefano (4)
Volley Bartreng9 pts Antoine Cornil (11)
Volley Bartreng8 pts Adri Arapi (2)
VC Lorentzweiler8 pts David Mexson (6)
VC Lorentzweiler6 pts Raphael Viens (27)
Volley Bartreng5 pts Colin Hilbert (9)
VC Lorentzweiler2 pts Tom Engeldinger (7)
VC Lorentzweiler1 pts Michail Constantinou (20)
Volley Bartreng1 pts Vojtech Vasicek (8)
Volley BartrengNOTE
Points ( attack + serve + block).
Data provided by FACTORY VOLLEY