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39. Weltkongress vun der FIVB zu Porto.

Haaptpunkten sinn niewt dem „Volleyball Empowerment & Development“,  dem „FIVB Global Volleyball Summit“, d’Wiel vun engem neien FIVB President and engem neien FIVB Board. No 12 Joër geet d‘Mandat vum Dr. Aly Graça op en Enn an eng nei Ära...

Assemblée Générale FLVB

  • Event Date & Place: 08.07. 19:00 Esch-Alzette
  • Badge:
  Le Conseil d’Administration a l’honneur de vous inviter à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire qui aura lieu le  lundi, 8 juillet 2024  à 19:00 heures à Esch/Alzette (Salle polyvalente H.O. Schmitz)  Membres du CA sortants et...

CEV Coach Convention 2024

From September 12th to 15th, 5 Coaches of Luxembourg attended the 5th CEV Coaches Convention in Sofia, Bulgaria.  Speakers Kare Mol (NOR), Dr. Ranko Rajovic (SLO) (with assistant speaker by Rok Tomazic) and Atsushi Andre Katoh (JPN) shared  their...

Coach Course unlocked

The first module of our coaching course, "Learn to Practice," was a great success. Coaches gained a strong foundation in fundamental volleyball skills, basic rules, and essential tactics. The high level of participant engagement created a positive...